Milestone of IT

The department of  Information Technology was started in the year 2001 - 2002 with the intake of 45 students under the affiliation of Periyar University.

2001 – 2002

1. B.Tech (IT) with an intake of 45 affiliated to Periyar University with the name of  R.R. Engineering College.

2. Department Students strength – 47

2002 – 2003

1. Department Students strength – 112

2. Conducted a National Level Technical Symposium.

3. Increase Intake 45 into 60. 

2003 – 2004

1. Department Students strength – 129

2. Conducted a National Level Technical Symposium.

2004 – 2005

1. Department Students strength – 161

2. Conducted a National Level Technical Symposium.

2005 – 2006

1. Department Students strength – 145

2. Conducted a National Level Technical Symposium.

2006 – 2007

1. Department Students strength – 114

2. Conducted a National Level Technical Symposium.

2007 – 2008

1. Department Faculty Strength – 7

2. Department Students strength – 129

3. Conducted a National Level Technical Symposium.

2008 – 2009

1. Department Faculty Strength – 9

2. Department Students strength – 159

3. Conducted a National Level Technical Symposium.

4.  Department of Information Technology  Accredited by NBA for 3 Years.

2009 – 2010

1. Conducted a National Level Technical Symposium.

2. Department Faculty Strength – 11

2. Department Students strength – 184

2010 – 2011

1. Conducted AICTE sponsored National Workshop on Cloud Computing.

2. Department Faculty Strength – 14

3. Department Students strength – 220

2010 – 2011

1. Department Faculty Strength – 16

2. Department Students strength – 241

2011 – 2012

1. Department Faculty Strength – 17

2. Department Students strength – 244

3. National Seminar - Department of Science and Technology -DIT, New Delhi.

4. AICTE - FDP - Research Initiatives in Data Mining for Web Intelligent.

5. National Seminar - CSIR - A Wireless Sensor Network for the Surveillance of Nuclear Radiation

 2012 – 2013 

1. Department Faculty Strength - 18

2. Department Students strength – 233  

3. Start PG Course - M.Tech Information Technology with Intake of 18 Seats.

4. Autonomous Status.

5. AICTE Sponsored  FDP on Security Issues in Utility Computing was organized

2013 – 2014

1. Department Faculty Strength – 17

2. Department Students strength – 223

2014 – 2015

1. Department Faculty Strength – 17

2. Department Students strength – 221

3. Department got the Permanent Affiliation from by Anna University, Chennai.

4. National Seminar - SERB - Data Mining Trends & Development for Geospatial Technology and its Applications

2015 - 2016

1.Department Faculty Strength -18

2.Department Students Strength - 95

3. FDTP - IT 6602 - Software Architectures by Anna University, Chennai.

4. National Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Information and Communication with the association of  CSI Chapter, Salem.

2016 - 2017

1.Department Faculty Strength -18

2.Department students Strength - 95

3. Faculty Development Programme on Free and Open Source Software in  association with Anna University, Chennai.

2017- 2018

1.Department Faculty Strength - 17

2.Department students Strength - 99

3. Organized International Conference on Information and Computational Science - ICICS'18